M32-Doxy-Tyl Powder. Respiratory Infections,, Ornithosis and Mycoplasma 100gram
Cutler Supply
A potent combination of Doxycycline and Tylan that is used by thousands of fanciers to combat respiratory and related diseases. Highly effective against Chlamydia, Orinthosis, and Mycoplasmosis which are all principal causes of respiratory problems.
Our Doxy-Tyl powder contains 40g Tylosin and 20g Doxycycline per 100 grams.
One 100 gr. packet makes 20 gallons of water. Treatment for 5-7 days.
Symptoms of Chlamydia psittaci includes inflamed eyes, difficulty in breathing, watery droppings and green urates.
Symptoms of Mycoplasma includes watery squinty eyes, weight loss, green mucusey droppings, and croaking while breathing